Last updated albums - Porsche |

HPA starter284 viewsComparison of the high-torque HPA starter on the left vs. the stock unit on the right.Jun 17, 2007

Britax Boulevard in a 914297 viewsC'mon Daddy, let's go let's go!!!Apr 06, 2007

914 West Coast Classic 2006475 viewsAug 26, 2006

914 tranny swap475 viewsDropped!Aug 06, 2006

914 fuel sender pictorial613 viewsSender assembly easily comes out of the tank. Jul 05, 2006

914 engine drop324 viewsOut and resting on wood blocks.
Minimum engine/tranny dimensions for space needed are:
Width = 43"
Height = 21"
Length = 25" for engine
= 48" for engine and tranny
= 55" for engine, tranny and mufflerFeb 28, 2006