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914 engine drop


6 files, last one added on Feb 28, 2006
Album viewed 324 times

914 fuel sender pictorial


16 files, last one added on Jul 05, 2006
Album viewed 613 times

914 tranny swap


Yes, you CAN remove/replace your 914 tranny with the engine still bolted in the car.

44 files, last one added on Aug 06, 2006
Album viewed 475 times

914 West Coast Classic 2006


2006 West Coast Classic - 914 event held in "The Middle of NoWhere" (Portland, OR) as one Californian put it. Great time! Saturday drive with 40+ Porsche 914's to Mt. Hood. Sunday at PIR for the Historic Races event.

29 files, last one added on Aug 26, 2006
Album viewed 475 times

Britax Boulevard in a 914


Putting a car seat in the 914. I have a Britax Boulevard that I use in my Jetta and 914 (Mommy keeps the Eddie Bauer in her Passat). This is a great car seat! Rear-facing, forward-facing, easy adjustments, and easy to swap between cars.

9 files, last one added on Apr 06, 2007
Album viewed 297 times

HPA starter


I bought this high-torque starter from High Performance of America (HPA). Some teeners said they didn't require a spacer for their starter to fit properly but I was one of those who did require a spacer. Not a big deal, really. One thing is for sure, this smaller and lighter starter gets the engine started quickly!

11 files, last one added on Jun 17, 2007
Album viewed 284 times

6 albums on 1 page(s)

Last updated albums - Porsche
HPA starter284 viewsComparison of the high-torque HPA starter on the left vs. the stock unit on the right.Jun 17, 2007
Britax Boulevard in a 914297 viewsC'mon Daddy, let's go let's go!!!Apr 06, 2007
914 West Coast Classic 2006475 viewsAug 26, 2006
914 tranny swap475 viewsDropped!Aug 06, 2006
914 fuel sender pictorial613 viewsSender assembly easily comes out of the tank. Jul 05, 2006
914 engine drop324 viewsOut and resting on wood blocks.

Minimum engine/tranny dimensions for space needed are:
Width = 43"
Height = 21"
Length = 25" for engine
= 48" for engine and tranny
= 55" for engine, tranny and muffler
Feb 28, 2006