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Last additions - Jetta side mirror replacement
291 viewsThis is the back side (duh) of the HEATED, WIDE-ANGLE mirror for the left side-view mirror. This fits the North American vehicles perfectly! Remember to push the electrical connectors on/off several times so they make metal-to-metal contact and coat with a dielectric grease to slow corrosion.Aug 13, 2013
284 viewsMeh. Fuzzy picture of the mirror out and the plastic (nylon?) upholstery pry bar tool I used to remove the mirror. Came in a $5 kit from Harbor Freight. Since the mirror was cracked I could've used a steel clawed hammer to remove it.Aug 13, 2013
283 viewsTo replace the mirror, the guide pins (red) insert into the guide holes. The spring clips (blue) go into their respective cavities. They don't clip to anything. The tabs (yellow) on either side of the guide pins are what clip to the circular motor assembly in the mirror housing. I gently pushed the mirror in at the 1 o'clock position and pushed the rest of it in slowly in a clock-wise motion, listening/feeling each clip (yellow) catch the ring. Use leather gloves when installing so if it breaks you don't get cut. It takes firm, evenly distributed pressure to seat the mirror.Aug 13, 2013
284 viewsWhat the interior looks like. I set the mirror so it was centered in the housing. I started at the 11 o'clock position and worked my way anti-clockwise (aka counter-clockwise), gently prying the mirror clips away from the ring mount.Aug 13, 2013
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