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Last additions - Routan fog install
383 viewsNew fog-light equipped light switch. To operate simply push the dial in. Of course, you have to go to the *&$%! dealership to get it 'enabled'! Fogs automatically turn off when high beams are turned on, however, they remain on when using the "flash to pass" feature. Also, the 'system' remembers the position of the fogs so if you leave them on when you turn off the lights, they will automatically come back on when you turn the lights back on, including if you turn off the car.Mar 10, 2012
347 views...and now it's in the 'locked' position. I noticed many of the electrical connectors had some sort of lock on them. If you see a red tab/button then that's a connector lock. Mar 10, 2012
354 viewsHarbor Freight trim tool (nylon kit, non-scratching, less than $6) used to pry the light switch out. Very easy.Mar 10, 2012
392 viewsStock, non-fog light switch.Mar 10, 2012
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