
292 views01October2007, just a few weeks before birth. Very active Ronin moving around. 5.73MB

365 viewsAntonette on oxygen, resting.

315 viewsThe start of a beautiful, Oregon day! Looking out the window of the delivery room.

342 viewsA good omen...a Porsche Cayman below us. Or else the world's fastest ambulance!

286 viewsRonin's heart monitor and what's on Mommy's mind. 11.9MB

412 viewsHere he comes... (C-section being performed)

401 views...and he's out!

416 views10 toes, 10 fingers, breathing...he's a keeper!

362 viewsCleaning, medicating, etc.


353 viewsMom getting patched up.

351 viewsMaking space for mother to meet son.

412 viewsHello!


389 viewsRonin getting checked out in NICU (baby intensive care). Blood sugars a tiny bit low but that's all.

418 viewsGetting his first diaper.

306 viewsPat and Dad with Ronin.

360 viewsMommy talking to Bella about her new brother.

307 viewsRonin getting checked out in NICU. 4.09MB

251 viewsBella singing to Mommy, and Dad and Pat with Ronin. 10.2MB